Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Another Advent season, come and gone. I want to thank you for looking upon Jesus with me.

I hope that as you did so, the Holy Spirit gave you a new wonder for the character of God and the gift of Jesus Christ.

And to think - over the last few weeks, we barely scratched the surface of the Bible's wealth of illustrations of who our God is. Even when some days' readings seemed extra long, there are still a thousand pages of Scripture that we didn't even touch.

I hope your appetite has been whet to discover the rest.

In 2018, I will be facilitating Bible180, a challenge to read through the whole Bible in 180 days. What better time to dive into the whole story of the Bible than when your mind and heart have been sharpened by its pictures of our Christ?

If you'd like to join us, just drop your email address below, and I'll get you the reading plan and an invitation to join our Facebook group. You'll also get a weekly email with a little bit of encouragement and some of my study resources to help you along the way.

Again, thank you for spending this Christmas season with your eyes fixed on Jesus. I hope you were blessed!