
Three years already.

My mountain was out that day, glowing wintry white. Barely 20 years old on a crisp and sunny February afternoon, I married Sam - the Boy Next Door, a lifelong regular in my home who slowly became my best friend.

Unlike the girls who spend their lives longing for their wedding days and walk down the aisle with nothing but glee, getting married was a huge leap of faith for me. I seldom thought about getting married, especially as I grew old enough to actually consider it, and I hate change by my very nature - so when I walked down the aisle on Dad's arm, I did it only in the confidence that God walked with me, forward into the unknown.

And I found that the unknown is a beautiful place when you enter it in the presence of His Majesty.

It is a privilege to live my life following Christ, and I feel even more blessed that I get to do it in such close partnership with another of His disciples. That part of loving Him is loving Sam, that part of growing in Him means seeing Him grow Sam, and that part of the picture of His love for me is represented in the two of us.

Three years already - and may there be many more.