enchanted to meet you
/Atypically, I was actually awake last night as the clock struck midnight and 2017 ticked into existence, greeted loudly by fireworks around the neighborhood.
Just like that, a scribbled-up calendar blotched with tears and marked by celebration turns over the limelight to one blank and brand new, and I'm excited - and a little nervous - to make its acquaintance.
And because I can't pass up any opportunity to make a list, I've drawn up a cursory sketch of some things I'm planning to make 2017 look like, big and small:
- Read the Bible in 180 days again. I've already started and am slated to finish on or before June 30, 2017!
- Read at least one educational-type book per month. I've got my eye on titles like Mere Christianity, The Cost of Discipleship, and perhaps something by Elisabeth Elliot. Recommendations are welcome!
- Conquer my sugar addiction. The war begins today and I'm planning to go the full month of January without sweets (while adding a lot more vegetables to my diet). Pray for me.
- Go somewhere new... at least one somewhere, but preferably more, and preferably out-of-state or international. :)
- Do an in-depth personal study on one Biblical book or concept.
- Go to a naturopathic doctor and learn to help my body function the way it should.
- Get new glasses.
- Overhaul and organize the contents of my kitchen cabinets.
- Start a landscaping plan for the front yard.
- Do the first 30 days of Yoga Fix 90, starting today (and all the way through 90 days if I really like it!).
I'm sure this list will expand in the days to come, but it's a good start - especially since my Bible read-through, yoga resolution, and sugar ban all start today!
2017, I'm enchanted to meet you.