know your enemy: five favorite strategies of Satan

know your enemy: five favorite strategies of Satan

But the Bible suggests that Satan is still a very real threat even to believers - not because Christ has failed, but because this earth is still under the domain of the Prince of Darkness, and will be until the cleansing Tribulation and Second Coming of Christ. Not that he has the power to "snatch us from the Father's hand," but he can easily prevent the unsaved from ever finding rescue if he can cause the saved to become ineffective in their purpose.

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three signs you think you're holier than God

three signs you think you're holier than God

To many nonbelievers and former churchgoers, the best way to describe the church is that it's full of "self righteous" and "hypocritical" people who preach a better game than they practice, and then expect far more of those around them. Maybe they're right, in some cases - although as a lifelong Christian and churchgoer I have yet to find nearly as many holier-than-thou people in the church as they'd like you to believe. What I have found more of, unfortunately, is the kind of people I might describe as "holier than God."

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